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J. Pascual-Granado, R. Garrido-Haba
J.C. Suárez Yanes,
"An information preserving method for producing full coverage CoRoT light curves", "CoRoT Symposium 3, Kepler KASC-7 Joint Meeting on Space Photometry Revolution", None-None, 2014
A. García Hernández, S. Martin-Ruiz, J.C. Suárez Yanes
R. Garrido-Haba,
"Observational large separation-mean density relation for Delta Scuti stars", "CoRoT Symposium 3, Kepler KASC-7 Joint Meeting on Space Photometry Revolution", None-None, 2014
C.A. Abia Ladron De Guevara
"Carbon-enriched stars within the Gaia-ESO survey", "Gaia ESO Survey Third Science Meeting", None-None, 2014
J.C. Suárez Yanes, R. Garrido-Haba
J.F. Rodriguez-Gomez,
"Asteroseismology in PLATO. A necessary tool for characterizing planetary systems", "XI Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society", None-None, 2014
C.A. Abia Ladron De Guevara
"Antarctic observations at long wavelengths with the IRAIT-ITM Telescope at Dome C", "Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes V", None-None, 2014
M.I. Dominguez Aguilera
"El Universo Acelera", "Semana de la Ciencia ", None-None, 2014
J. Pascual-Granado, R. Garrido-Haba
J.C. Suárez Yanes,
"On the necessity of a new interpretation of the stellar light curves ", "Precision Asteroseismology. Proceedings of the IAU Symposium 301", None-None, 2013
C.A. Abia Ladron De Guevara
"CNO isotopic ratios in AGB carbon stars: constraints on nucleosynthesis", "The Origin of Cosmic Elements: Past and Present Achivements, Future Challenges", None-None, 2013
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024