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M.I. Dominguez Aguilera
"Axion effect on the minimum stellar mass that experiences central carbon burning", "14th PATRAS workshop on Axions, WIMPS & WISPS", None-None, 2018
A. Morales Garoffolo
"On the Nature of OGLE-2013-SN-100: A Peculiar Optical Transient with a Double-Peaked Light Curve and Stripped-Envelope Supernova Spectra", "XIII Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society", None-None, 2018
M.I. Dominguez Aguilera
"Axions and the Initial-Final Mass Relation of White Dwarfs", "Probing the Dark Universe", None-None, 2018
A. García Hernández, J.C. Suárez Yanes, A. Moya-Bedon, Z. Guo, M.J. Monteiro, D. Reese, J. Pascual-Granado, S. Barceló Forteza, S. Martin-Ruiz, R. Garrido-Haba
J. Nieto,
"Precise surface gravitites of A-type stars from Asteroseismology", "Highlights on Spanish Astrophysics X, XIII Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society", None-None, 2018
O. Straniero-
M.I. Dominguez Aguilera,
"On the Mass of Supernova Progenitors: The Role of the 12C+12C Reaction", "Nuclei in the Cosmos XV", None-None, 2018
M.I. Dominguez Aguilera
"Constraints to axion physics from Globular Clusters: an update", "The 13th Patras Workshop on Axions, WIMPs and WISPs", None-None, 2017
M.I. Dominguez Aguilera
"On the connection between thermonuclear supernova and progenitor metallicity", "Meeting of the Carniege Supernova Project", None-None, 2017
C.A. Abia Ladron De Guevara, O. Straniero-
P. Ventura,
"Isotopic Ratios of C, O and Light Element Abundances in AGB Stars Undergoing Hot Bottom Burning C.", "The AGB-Supernova Mass Transition", None-None, 2017
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024