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R.P. Hedrosa-Núñez-Castelo, C.A. Abia Ladron De Guevara, B. Plez
M.I. Dominguez Aguilera,
"Nitrogen isotopic ratios in Galactic AGB carbon stars of different spectral types", "X Reunion cientifica de la Sociedad Española de Astronomia", None-None, 2012
M.I. Dominguez Aguilera
"Thermonuclear Supernova and Cosmology", "The 3rd Azarquiel School of Astronomy: a bridge between East ans West", None-None, 2012
S. Palmerini
"Modeling the Li abundances of RGB and AGB stars with a new estimate for the 7 Be half-life ", "XII International Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos", None-None, 2012
J. Isern Vilaboy
"A 3D CZT hard x-ray polarimeter for a balloon-borne payload", "Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2012: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray", None-None, 2012
M.I. Dominguez Aguilera
"9th Russbach Workshop on Nuclear Astrophysics", "9th Russbach Workshop on Nuclear Astrophysics", None-None, 2012
S. Palmerini
"On a physical model for the formation of the neutron source for s-processing. ", "XII International Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos", None-None, 2012
J. Isern Vilaboy
"LOFT: the Large Observatory For X-ray Timing", "Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2012: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray", None-None, 2012
A. García Hernández, A. Moya-Bedon, J.C. Suárez Yanes, R. Garrido-Haba
E. Rodriguez-Martinez,
"Quasiperiodics patterns, the new observable for Delta Scuti stars: an in depth study of the CoRoT star HD 174966", "Second CoRoT International Symposium: transiting planets, vibrating stars and their connection", None-None, 2011
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024